before and after pictures coming soon
Saturday, June 27, 2009
under contruction
We knew we wanted to update a few things once we were settled in this new house...we are finally "settled" two years after moving in and we have started updating the downstairs. My Dad is up right now and helped us (really, he did all the work while we helplessly watched) rip up the old floors and put down some new ones. He also assisted (again, mostly him) us in putting up a new ceiling fan. Things are starting to take shape and look great. We are so grateful for his time, talent, and treasure! Once the new furniture comes and the house is cleaned from top to bottom, I will really be in love! I wasn't prepared for just how messy this process would be, nor did I intend on one of the children being sick while this was going on, but everyone was in good spirits amidst the chaos (what keepers I have!). Thanks really ARE the best!

Sam honestly sat there watching for two solid hours. Honest!
is this ever going to end?
really, ever?
getting along...a nice change of pace!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Boys are different
What you can see from these pictures is that I was trying to get a good shot of the kids in their Cancun shirts from my parents. You can see that I was posing them on the sofa. You can see that Sam refuses to sit down and most of the time isn't even looking at the camera. What you can't see are the crazy arm motions I am making in an effort to get a smile from them (or eye contact for that matter). You can't see that in between each shot, I reposition Sam to sit next to his sisters. You also can't see that I bribed the kids with snacks for a smile, that Sam pulled Caroline's hair twice, or that he almost fell off the couch twice. I had to settle for these few pictures because he photo shoot needed to come to an end.

Here are a few comical conversations that I had with Caroline in the last 24 hours:
Caroline (in the bath): Mommy, girls have yoo-hoos, right?
Mommy: yep
Caroline: boys don't have yoo-hoos, right?
Mommy: nope, they don't
Caroline: Does Daddy have a yoo-hoo?
Mommy: Daddy is a boy. Only girls have yoo-hoos.
Caroline: Oh! That's right! Boys have peanuts!
While getting the twins some crackers and ham and Caroline a Dora yogurt, a sandwich, a purple spoon, and chips, this conversation ensued:
Caroline: Mommy! I want a fresh drink!
Mommy: I'm working as fast as I can...and you didn't use nice girl manners
Caroline: you are a naughty Mommy! You don't do the right things and when you do do the right things, they aren't fast enough!
are you kidding? luckily, it made me giggle to myself instead of wanting to sell her to the gypsies.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Evan comes to visit
Katharine brought Evan over to visit today and he is a cutie! He is three weeks old today and already jumped up two pounds from his birth weight! Caroline and I enjoyed getting all gushy over his scrumptious little self...come again soon Evan!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
I also want to wish Doc a Happy Father's Day. Matt's Dad is one amazing guy. He is loved by everyone (including me!) and rightfully to be around, witty, smart, can talk about anything, knows about everything, and is clever. Whether it's playing cards or hanging out at the "Doc's Inn", we love being around him!

Now I get to talk about my wonderful Dad. What a, easy to talk to, easy to be around, a great grill master, the perfect handy man, a terrific grandfather (I mean, really terrific), and just an all-around-great-guy. Did I mention how handy he was? He is the tops when it comes to usefulness around the house...just the best! He can work wonders with tile, lighting, painting, decking, landscaping, and probably flooring. What a guy (am I laying it on thick enough? can you detect the ever so subtle hints within my flattery?)! Love you Papa Bear!
I forgot to post these super precious pictures of Caroline and her beau Brayden from the other day. It is pretty plain to see that she adores him (we all do) and I love that she made such great friends this year. We hope to have a class reunion over here after everyone is back from their vacations!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
day 4: wrapping it up
You have to go back home sometime, right? After several days of fun, we were ready to come back. Before we left, we got to see M and Doc at the beach (Matt's parents were there with the Durak group for their annual week at the beach), play with some new toys that Caroline conned Nonna into, and eat some more. What a wonderful few days and what a wonderful family I have- Pinch me!
Caroline and Nonna feeding the babies
she has pretty extensive experience already

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
day 3: cookout
After the aquarium and some naps, my parents had a cookout. We couldn't have had more fun! More eating, playing in the sprinklers, and blowing bubbles...what's not to love?!
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