Teri and I took our crew to the pumpkin patch last week and has a grand time! Brayden had Bumbles with him, the class mascot from his and Caroline's preschool class. We rode a train, had a hayride, ate a picnic lunch, fed goats and giant catfish, played in a hay maze, rode the giant tunnel slide, and bounced in the huge bounce house. It was a full day and my three were worn out when it was time to leave. It is wonderful to have friends to enjoy these places with! This is my favorite time of year!!!
Brayden and Caroline
A field of pumpkins to explore and ours would rather swing (which both families have in our own backyards)
what does a goat say?
feeding the goats and chickens
Teri sharing her goat grub

sliding with Teri and Zachary

tube slide
hay tunnel
hay maze

me and three of my favorite people on the hay ride
Caroline on the train
our whole crew on the train...look at how cute they are! If they look content, it's because Teri was bribing them with lollipops!
posing Bumbles on a pumpkin
What fun! I'm going to a pumpkin patch this weekend with my goddaughter, Zora. I can't wait!