Saturday, January 30, 2010
Let it Snow!
We got six inches of beautiful, powdery snow. I love it. My camera is still in the shop, but my friend Amy caught us walking by her window and offered to take a family picture (so thoughtful, thanks Amy!). We look like rag-a-muffins with mismatched gloves, hats, coats, and make-do snow pants, but we had a blast. After the snow, we had hot chocolate and cookies...what a great day!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
the good, the bad, and the ugly
The Good:
Sam and Emma are talking up a storm! I love it! They both say these new words:
-all done
-bye bye
-all of the Dora character's names and most of the Car's Character names
-up and down
-purple, blue, red, and attempt yellow
-truck (this one they yell as I am driving and they spot one. very, very cute)
-Caroline, Mamma, Daddy
-drink, milk, snack, and cup
Caroline continues to take the babies to her room to read and play. It is a wonderful bond that she shares with them (yep, even Sam has been allowed in with the girls for the last few days) and I am so thankful that they love each other...really love each other. This is one of many answered prayers.
Caroline had a tear-free drop off today! Woo-hoo! Bribery isn't all bad, is it?
Sam, Emma Kate, and Caroline love music and I play a lot of it. Taylor Swift, Sugarland, and Jason Mraz are the favorites that really get them dancing. So much fun!
The weather is warming up and we have been to the park a few times. Yay for Spring!!!
The Bad:
my camera is officially in the shop and I will either leave the blog idle or post picture free (no fun there, right?).
The Ugly:
The stomach bug. Wow, was that UGLY! I think it has been passed around to everyone in the family and thankfully, it is almost gone.
No other news to share... Life is good and we are thankful.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Play Date
This is my favorite! Isn't it sweet?
Lately the girls have been two peas in a pod. They do EVERYTHING together and it is wonderful. I love to see them so close. In fact, I've wondered if they were supposed to be the set of twins. Today with Caroline at school, the twins actually spent some time together and Sam was loving it. Everywhere Emma Kate went, Sam followed. He wanted to hug and hold her and once that got on her nerves, he turned to teasing her. It was really fun to watch them together.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Church Buddies

The girls remain best friends and are always together. I mean, if Caroline uses the restroom, she takes Emma Kate with her. They sit as close as the can together on the sofa, and Caroline lobbies for her when it comes to snacks and extra television shows. I get extra one on one time with Sam and as of right now, I don't think he feels too left out.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy New Year!
Last year, my resolution was to keep our blog updated. I was able to keep that resolution. This year, I am working on patience. So far, so good (its only been six days though). I haven't updated our blog lately because there just isn't much to show you. We've spent the days in our pajamas. In fact, after lunch, I change the kids and clean them up and put them in a clean set of pjs! It is so cold and the heat runs continuously, so warm pajamas just seem like the right thing to wear (I apologize to my neighbors who see me check the mail this way). To show you what a pajama day looks like, I snapped a few pictures. Not wanting to sit still and smile, they aren't the best, but still cute to me.
Caroline has been letting Emma Kate play in her room with her and they spend hours in there together. I think next year, we will let them share a room. This also gives me time to work with Sam on his colors and numbers. He is very sweet, but I just can't tell what he knows yet...only time will tell :)
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